Wednesday 26 February 2014

I cannot see you in an idol...

Pardon me as I cannot see you in an idol…
Pardon me as I cannot see you in an idol…
I see you in the stick of a limping man
I see you in the colored vision of a blind man
I see you in the hollowness of an arm less person’s shirt

Pardon me as I cannot see you in an idol…
Pardon me as I cannot see you in an idol…
I see you in the sweat of a person toil
I see you in the laughter of a child
I see you in the send-off cry of deceased

Pardon me as I cannot see you in an idol…
Pardon me as I cannot see you in an idol…
I see you intertwined with hope
I see you tangled with pain
I see you knotted with passion

Pardon me as I cannot see you in an idol…
besides that… “I see you everywhere”